新加坡- 马尼拉(不含餐)
用餐情况: | 早餐:不含 | 午餐:不含 | 晚餐:不含 |
Arrival in Manila Transfer to Hotel for check in
马尼拉- 大雅台- 马尼拉市区游(早/午餐)
用餐情况: | 早餐:含 | 午餐:含 | 晚餐:不含 |
在酒店享用早餐。早餐后游览位于马尼拉市以南约56公里处的大雅台。它海拔600米,在人民公园观景台能够俯瞰塔尔湖(TaalLake)全景和世界最小的塔尔活火山。这里因气候凉爽,风景秀美,而获得小日内瓦和菲第二夏都(碧瑶市为菲夏都)的美名。之后游览水果和鲜花市场。返回马尼拉市区,游览:黎刹公园-一片绿地广场,以纪念菲律宾国父黎刹为主题。王城(市中市)- 也称“西班牙王城”。首都马尼拉最古老的城区,部份城墙壁虽已倾颓,但散发出的殖民时期的氛围就是它的魅力所在。圣地亚哥城堡- 在王城的西北部,1571年开始修建,150年后才由才由菲律宾的劳工建设完成。圣地亚哥城堡是王城最古老的工事之一,西班牙统治菲律宾后城堡成为西班牙人对付潜在入侵者的主要防御地。圣奥古斯丁教堂- 位于古城内,是菲律宾最古老的教堂。在亚洲商城购物。在当地餐厅享用午餐。
Enjoy breakfast in the hotel. After breakfast we visit: Peoples Park in the Sky, Sightseeing of the smallest active volcano in the Philippines, Fruit and Flower Stand. Travel Back to Manila for the continuation of the tour, visit: Rizal Park,Intramuros, Fort Santiago, San Agustin Church. Lunch at local restaurant. Shopping at Mall of Aisa
马尼拉(早/午餐)2选1 行程
用餐情况: | 早餐:含 | 午餐:含 | 晚餐:不含 |
1) 埃斯库德罗庄园一日游(含午餐)距离马尼拉以南两个半小时车程,在昔日的甘蔗种植园进行一次难忘的一日游,体验菲律宾的乡村生活和拉古纳的文化遗产!游玩项目包括骑水牛、文化表演,以及使用游泳池和户外娱乐设施。与家人和朋友在瀑布前享用美味的菲律宾美食自助午餐。或者2) 菲律宾百胜滩瀑布一日游(含午餐)前往南部广阔的乡村,穿过稻田和椰子种植园,到达百胜詹老城区。从河畔度假村换乘“banca”(当地独木舟)穿过17 公里长的岩石溪流,开始您的水上探险之旅。穿过茂密的植被和壮丽的岩层,在那里您会看到至少20 个从山上冒出的小瀑布。当您的游船迅速向下游下降时,请做好准备-更广为人知的是“激流勇进”。体验一生快感,因为专业的船夫熟练地操纵班卡穿过湍急的水域和超过100 英尺高的峡谷。到达主瀑布后,您可以随意跳入冰冷的水中。不要忘记尝试乘坐木筏- 一次令人振奋的旅行,将带您进入瀑布下方并进入魔鬼洞穴!穿过瀑布时享受放松的背部按摩,并在结束旅程后感到神清气爽。在菲力宾最好的瀑布之一百胜滩瀑布度过难忘的经历。
Choice of Villa Escudero Tour or Pagsanjan Falls Tour Enjoy breakfast in the hotel. After breakfast proceed to visit one of the tour as your favour. 1) Villa Escudero Tour with Lunch Two and a half-hours South of Manila is the quaint and historic Villa Escudero set amidst a pastoral grove of coconut palms,
verdant fields and mountains to bring one back to the days of the old plantation life. Highlights of the tour are a museum of historic, religious, pre-Hispanic and World War 2 artifacts. Carabao-drawn carts transport guest to a man made waterfalls where lunch is served on table set over a flowing stream. Or
2) Pagsanjan Falls Tour with Lunch
This tour takes you to the vast countryside southwards, passing through rice fields & coconut plantations until you reach the old town of Pagsanjan. From a riverside resort, transfer to a“banca” (a dugout canoe) for the trip to the falls. As your boatmanstarts rowing upstream, the wonders of nature unfold before you. The sight of lush greenery & towering cliffs above will thrill you endlessly. At the falls, you may opt to ride a raft that will take you underneath the waterfalls to experience the thunderous pounding of water coming from 70 ft. above. Your return trip is another unforgettable & exciting experience as you “shoot the rapids”! Lunch follows at a riverside lodge. Travel Back to Manila. Option to go shopping at Mall of Asia
Dinner – pax account
马尼拉- 新加坡(早)
用餐情况: | 早餐:含 | 午餐:不含 | 晚餐:不含 |
Breakfast in the hotel. Free and leisure till transfer to airport.
菲律宾当地人一般称厕所为CR(Comfort Room的缩写),不常用Toilet。
长滩岛上的蚊子比较厉害,可以在当地商店里买一种“OFF! Classic”的防蚊虫霜(Insect Repellent Lotion)。
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· 超过24小时没有付款,我们自动认定您取消,需2次查询。